Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jamie's Lasagna

First time ever trying out Jamie's recipe. Haha, did many adjustment karena ingredients-nya gak semua-nya dapet. Well, my lasagna sheets didn't hold up, but taste-wise, they're good. ;)


For the Bolognese Sauce:

  • 2-4 slices smoked bacon, chopped
  • 2 medium onions, diced
  • 6 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 carrots, diced
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • olive oil
  • 2 heaped teaspoons dried oregano
  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 2 links sweet italian sausage, casing removed
  • 2 x 14 oz. cans of san marzano tomatoes, diced
  • 1 can tomato paste
  • 1 - 2 cups water
  • sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • a small bunch of basil
  • 2 ounces parmaggiano reggiano cheese

For the 3rd layer:

  • 8 oz. ricotta cheese
  • 2 oz. mozzarella cheese
  • 4 ounces parmaggianno regianno cheese
  • 1 large ripe tomato, sliced

For the Bolognese:

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F.

In a large heavy-bottom saucepan, heat the olive oil. Add 2 lugs of olive oil, your sliced bacon, and the oregano, cooking until the bacon is lightly golden.

Add the diced onion, carrot, celery, and garlic, and sweat over medium heat for about 7 minutes, until vegetables are translucent.

Scoot the vegetables over to one side, and in the empty area, add the tomato paste, stirring around to sort of caramelize the paste before mixing in with the rest of the vegetables.

Add the ground beef, sausage, and diced tomatoes to the vegetables, and brown over high heat, stirring to keep the meat from sticking together.

Add about 1 cup water to the sauce, and stir in a good pinch of salt and pepper. If the sauce seems to thick, add more water. Pick the basil leaves and return those to the fridge for later. Finely chop the basil stalks and stir into the pan. Bring it to a boil.

Turn the heat down and simmer with the lid on for 45 minutes.

After 45 minutes, to finish the sauce, finely grate 2 ounces of parmagianno into the sauce.

Remove the bolognese from the heat, tearing and stirring some of the larger basil leaves into the sauce, keeping the smaller ones aside for later. Have a taste of the sauce and season to taste.

Assembly of the lasagne:

If using dried pasta, blanche your pasta for about 5-6 minutes to soften the pasta.

Spoon a third of your Bolognese sauce into the bottom of a baking dish. Follow with a layer of lasagne sheets. Dollop a third of your ricotta and smooth it out to cover the lasagne sheets. Sprinkle with a good pinch of salt and pepper and a third of your parmaggiano regiano.

Add 2 more layers, and during the final layer, sprinkle over the remainder of your parmaggiano, break up your mozzarella and top with slices of tomato and the basil leaves. Drizzle a bit of olive oil over the top.

Cover with aluminum foil, and bake for 20 minutes.

After that, remove the aluminum foil and bake for another 35 minutes until the lasagne is golden and bubbling.

Allow some cooling time, and then cut into slices.

Bika Ambon

So excited to try salah satu jajanan pasar indonesia, belum pernah soalnya =D....
Ini aku buat setengah resep ajah, lumayan banyak jg jadinya. My downfall with my tryout kali ini, keknya g salah timing manggang-nya, jadi bawahnya itu agakk keras dikit, hehehe.....the other thing is, g selalu pake api bawah selama pemanggangan, jadinya di atas tidak brown. Ada baiknya pas udah mau beres, pake api atas sebentar saja.....karena rasanya jg jadi lebih enak (brown gitu karena gula-nya jadi karamel kali ya?)

Resep diambil dari Website NCC =)

Bahan A:
100 gr Tepung terigu protein sedang
200 ml Air kelapa segar
11 gr Ragi instant

Bahan B:
16 btr Kuning telur
400 gr gula pasir
300 gr Tepung sagu tani
600 ml Santan kental matang
1 sdt Garam
1 sdt Vanilli

Cara membuatnya:
  1. Aduk bahan A sampai rata, diamkan selama 15 menit.
  2. Aduk rata: telur, gula, garam dan vanilli, lalu masukkan bahan A, dan tepung sagu, aduk rata sambil tuangi santan sedikit demi sedikit sampai santan habis. Saring.
  3. Istirahatkan selama 2 jam.
  4. Tuang adonan kedalam cetakan oval yang telah dipoles minyak tipis-tipis (adonan jangan diaduk lagi). Panggang dalam oven panas 180 derajat celsius yang pintunya dibuka sedikit, sampai matang.


  • Gunakan air kelapa segar, bukan yang sudah menginap semalam.
  • Setelah diolesi minyak, panaskan loyang terlebih dahulu di dalam oven.
  • Setelah adonan didiamkan selama 2 jam, akan timbul banyak busa dipermukaan adonan. Buang dulu busa tersebut dengan cara menyendokinya, baru tuang adonan di bawahnya ke dalam loyang. Adonan jangan diaduk lagi, nanti sarangnya rusak.
  • Gunakan api bawah saja, agar bagian atas tetap berlubang-lubang cantik.
  • Jika mungkin, lapisi dasar loyang dengan kertas roti, supaya mudah mengeluarkan kue.